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Presentation Skills for STEM Professionals Course Workshop (Five 2-hour group weekly sessions) (Virtual using Zoom)

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Presentation Skills for STEM Professionals Course Workshop (Five 2-hour group weekly sessions) (Virtual using Zoom)
Product Details

This is the Presentation Skills for STEM Professionals Course that will put you on the fast track to

> Faster promotions

> Higher esteem in the eyes of your direct reports, colleagues, and superiors

> Provide you the monetary reward required to afford you and your family the lifestyle you deserve

Possessing excellent technical presentation skills is the fastest way to advance your career. It’s a strong differentiator and essential for your advancement and success.

Presentation Skills for STEM Professionals Covers

> First Session: Why Excellent Technical Presentation Skills is Important to Your Career

> Second Session: How to Prepare Technical Presentation

> Third Session: How to Deliver a Technical Presentation

> Fourth Session: Virtual Technical Presentation Considerations

> Fifth Session: Course Summary & Open Session for Student Questions

Each session is designed to provide you with the specific presentation skills you need.

Session 1: Why Excellent Technical Presentation Skills Are Important to Your Career

> How excellent technical leading comes from excellent technical speaking

> How you can gain power in your technical career by being an excellent speaker

> How excellent technical writing fuels excellent technical speaking

> Why you need to know where you are on the Technical Speaker's Hierarchy of Needs

Session 2: How to Prepare a Technical Presentation

> Conquering your fear of public speaking

> You have your technical presentation topic—now what?

> The power of stories in your technical presentation

> How to prepare a technical presentation opening that engages your audience

> How to prepare a technical presentation closing that is memorable for your audience

Session 3: How to Deliver a Technical Presentation

> Your technical credibility is everything

> How to connect with your technical audience

> How to develop and deliver meaningful gestures

> How to create and implement excellent eye contact with your audience

> How to become a master of the audience question and answer period

Session 3: Delivering Technical Presentations in the Virtual World

> Staying engaged with your audience in the virtual world

> Technical in-person speaking basics that apply in the virtual world

> Technical aspects of virtual speaking

> Tips for better virtual technical presentations

Course Summary & Open Session for Student Questions

> Ensuring we covered every concern, challenge, and frustration shared in your survey

> Recap of Weeks 1–4

> Open student question and answer session

You’ll receive valuable worksheets, resources, community, and more.

Course Format

> You will receive the Zoom link to the following week's session at the previous week’s session

> Five consecutive weekly sessions on Tuesdays, for two hours from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. U.S. Eastern Time (there will be a short break halfway through each session)

> Sessions will be recorded and sent to you for replay in case you are unable to attend a session

> A survey will be sent after each session asking what are the most important items you want to cover about next week's topic

> Session slides/videos will be sent to you

> Students can ask questions anytime during any session

During this Presentation Skills for STEM Professionals Course Frank DiBartolomeo will be live providing you with the most effective, leading-edge technical presentation techniques that drive your success.

You will benefit from having time to ask Frank DiBartolomeo your specific technical presentation questions and get the answers you need.

Solving your survey challenges, concerns, and frustrations is our contract. Frank DiBartolomeo ensures that you will receive the solutions to your challenges, concerns, and frustrations in detail so you walk away with what you need for your technical presentation success.

Your part of the contract is to listen, internalize what Frank says, and most importantly, implement what you learn in this course in your technical presentations. If you do this, the Presentation Skills for STEM Professionals Course will have a positive impact on your career success.

There are a limited number of openings in the course, so you will receive the individual attention from Frank DiBartolomeo you deserve.

As a bonus for students who register in the Presentation Skills for STEM Professionals Course, you will receive a FREE PDF copy of Frank’s best-selling book Speak Well and Prosper: Tips, Tools, and Techniques for Better Speaking. This publication provides you with a wealth of information and is tremendous enhancement to the Presentation Skills for STEM Professionals Course.

Students often invest more than $2,100 for one-on-one learning with Frank DiBartolomeo. This course enables you to benefit from customized learning and interactive group training for a minimal investment of $497.

All courses include a guaranteed 100% refund policy if you are not completely satisfied. No questions asked. Just send Frank an email with your complete mailing address and a refund will be sent to you within 24 hours.

We require that you attend at least two complete sessions of this course before you request a refund. We believe this will enable you to experience what you will learn and how you can apply it immediately to your technical presentations to make them successful and supercharge your career.

Please note: It is important that you provide the exact name on your credit card when you use your it to purchase the Presentation Skills Course for STEM Professionals.

We look forward to working with you to improve and enhance your technical presentation skills!

For more information, contact Frank DiBartolomeo at (703) 509-4424 or