Presentation Skills One-on-One Coaching Program (Virtual on Zoom) (Three 2-hour sessions)

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Presentation and personal presence skills are essential for those who want to succeed and advance in their career. People who can present in front of an audience and influence their audience to their way of thinking will quickly advance in their company. They will outpace those with greater technical knowledge but who lack good presentation skills.

Self-development expert Brian Tracy says, “Your ability to communicate with others will account for fully 85% of your success in your business and in your life.” Would you improve your presentation skills if you knew there was an 85% chance it would add to your career? Of course, you would!

Frank DiBartolomeo has helped hundreds of people improve their presentation skills, communication and personal presence. He doesn't give you “cookie cutter” presentation skills instruction that can you read in a book. Frank customizes his presentation skills coaching to fit your personal needs. Each presentation skills coaching service is customized for each person’s needs using a unique mechanism to ensure Frank knows the attendees’ needs even before they attend the course.

As a practicing engineer, he knows technical professionals' proclivity is to work with numbers, graphs, and spreadsheets. However, as Brian Tracy says above, this accounts for only 15% of your success in business and your life.

Sitting at your desk and doing your job every day while allowing you to keep your job, only counts for 15% of your advancement. You must get up from your desk and communicate with others and convince them to your way of thinking.

Zig Ziglar said, “You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help enough other people get what they want.” And the only way to get others to get what they want is to communicate with them. Improving your presentation skills is like mining a vein of pure gold which is your mind.

If you want to command the room when you speak, if you want to speak with confidence and ease, if you want to influence your audience, I can help you.

In his lifetime of public speaking as a U.S. Air Force officer, engineer, college adjunct professor, Toastmaster, and entrepreneur, Frank has honed his presentation skills and his ability to help others improve their presentation skills, communication, and personal presence.

He has evaluated and provided constructive and actionable feedback for hundreds of speakers. Through methods borrowed from his experience as a systems engineer, he determines the in-depth requirements of clients and then designs a customized presentation skills program for the client.

In 2002, Toastmasters International awarded Frank the organization's highest individual recognition, Distinguished Toastmaster, for outstanding public speaking and leadership. A large part of this recognition was providing other speakers feedback on what went right in their speeches, what they need to improve, and how to improve it.

All of his programs are customized to the unique requirements of his clients. clients will walk away with the majority or all of the below presentation skills:

Reducing your fear of presenting to an audience

Solving your presentation “pain points”

Using better listening skills to become a better speaker

Learning how public speaking adds to your power

Developing a speech topic

Speaking frequently to develop your presentation skills faster

Answering audience questions with competence and confidence

Fielding hostile audience questions

Fielding audience questions not related to your topic

Using descriptive words to get your point across to your audience

Using eye contact to engage and keep your audience’s attention

Using eye contact to build rapport with your audience

Using eye contact to gain speaking confidence

Using gestures to emphasize your main points

Using gestures to gain audience trust

Using gestures to enhance the words you are speaking

Dressing for success in your speaking

Dressing appropriately for your audience, venue, and topic

Dressing to evoke a planned audience reaction

Writing your presentation to clarify your thinking

Speaking well to enhance your leadership

Recording yourself in video to help you become a better speaker

Telling stories to engage your audience

Telling stories to tap into your audience’s emotions

Telling stories to give your audience “mental hooks” to remember your main points

Remaining calm when things go wrong in your presentation

Practicing mishap recovery before your presentation

Recovering from presentation mishaps when the audience notices the mishap

Using your presentation openings capture your audience’s attention

Using the basic forms of the presentation opening

Using your presentation closings to make your presentation more memorable

Using the basic forms of the presentation closing

Packing more power with shorter presentations

Reducing “ahs,” “ums,” and other verbal fillers

Constructing PowerPoint slides

Establishing yourself as the expert through your presentations

Mind Storming your topic to discover your main points

Seeking opportunities to speak

Using powerful and descriptive statements when you speak

Using repeated words and phrases to emphasize your main points

Using the “Rule of Three”

Giving your audience practical action steps to implement your main points

Using speech patterns to influence your audience

1. Initial meeting (2 hours)

  • Purpose: To go over best practices in delivering presentations to individuals and small to large groups. Some of the competencies we will cover include:
  • How to build instant rapport and connect with one person, five, fifty, or a hundred
  • Exercises to be more engaging and keep everyone awake
  • How to SOFTEN your image to be more approachable, likable, and trustworthy (body language, tone of voice)
  • Reducing your fear of presenting to an audience
  • Words and language that derail connections
  • How to connect with various age groups (millennials, baby boomers, etc.)
  • How to speak in a clear, concise, and persuasive manner
  • How to cut out your ums, ahs, and other verbal clutter
  • Use of stories to generate interest (storyboarding)
  • How to open and close a presentation for maximum impact
  • Communication crushers that get in the way
  • How to speak on the “fly” impromptu speaking
  • How to get and use humor in your presentations
  • What to do before, during, and after a presentation to ensure success
  • How to answer questions
  • People buy on emotion and back by facts
  • PowerPoint tips, tools, and techniques
  • Dealing with doubters, skeptics, and difficult clients
  • And more …

2. Second meeting (2 hours)

  • Purpose: Review past and upcoming presentations
  • You will deliver a presentation(s) and get feedback on strengths and areas to improve
  • How to exercises and tools for continual improvement
  • Assistance in writing, adding/subtracting content, stories, humor, etc. to enhance the presentation

3. Third meeting (2 hours)

  • Purpose: To deliver a presentation (s) to a couple of colleagues.
  • The presentation will be filmed with an iPhone and reviewed
  • Feedback on connecting with the audience
  • Feedback on strengths and areas of improvement
  • How to exercises and tools for continual improvement
  • If possible, Frank is available to watch and review an actual presentation to provide feedback.

4. Additional meetings on an as-needed basis

  • Frank is available to watch and review specific meetings and provide feedback
  • Frank can assist in writing and preparing upcoming presentations
  • Frank also offers professional development programs on presentation skills for groups (flat fee for groups)

You will also receive:

Your initial investment is $1997.00 for the initial three two-hour meetings. Additional meetings: The client is charged $700.00) for any part thereof for each additional meeting past the initial three two-hour meetings. This investment includes all expenses. The client will be invoiced after each meeting.

The meeting schedule is by mutual consent between the client and Frank DiBartolomeo.

For more information, call Frank DiBartolomeo at (703) 509-4424 or e-mail him at

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